Wednesday, February 4, 2015

February A Fast Paced Month

Hello Everyone,     
     February is the month that seems to come and go so quickly.  There is so much going on!  I think we all can say we have had enough of the snow storms.   It seems as though we have 6 more weeks of winter according to the ground hog. 
     We are in the stages of collecting information on our chosen animal.  I would like all the information in by this Friday.  They are pretty excited to get this under way.  We have lots of studying to do before we can do the projects.  
     I will be collecting book orders soon so if you are ordering books please send in the filled out book order along with the money.  Thank you so much.  This class is full of great readers!
     It seems as though the 100th day of school and Valentines day are going to fall on the same day.  We will be doing our 100th day Olympics in the morning on February 13th.  The kids will need to wear workout clothes and bring in a water bottle.  The afternoon we will attend the wedding of Q and U in the gym and come back to a Valentine party.  This is one exciting day.  They can ALL read their own Valentines.  Everyone feels so special because they ALL get a special note from each friend.  Be looking for your class list coming home.  
     You have a week off.  If you would like your child to have books for the vacation please send in a note, email or call and I will arrange for that to happen.  
      Enjoy this month, enjoy your vacation and think sun and spring.  It will be come it always does.
                                       Mrs. Nickerson