Dear Parents,
November is here! It came upon us fast! There is so much that is happening in November and hopefully this post will help you and I both keep organized. On Wednesday November 11th there will be no school as we will be celebrating Veterans Day. It does fall on a Wednesday so it will be a broken up week.
First and Second grade will be celebrating Thanksgiving together as we prepare to cook and serve our traditional Thanksgiving Feast. Notes have been coming home but also be looking for more as you will be assigned certain items to bring in. If you cannot get the items just let us know. Without out your help the feast does not work. It is a beautiful event and the kids take such pride in their hard work and being together. It has gotten so large that we have now moved the event into the gym to make it more comfortable for everyone to enjoy the time together. We will be cooking Thursday, November 19th from 8:30-10:30. The feast will be the following day starting at 11:30. We ask you arrive by 11:15. Please try and schedule your lunch breaks as we love having all of you here. If you have signed up for clean up please stay after the feast. Thank you so much! Many hands make light work.
Conferences will be held November 23rd from 11:00-7:00. They also will be held November 24th from 9:00-3:00. Call the office and sign up. There will be no school for students those days.
I hope this post is helpful it sure was for me as I typed it. We want to enjoy our time together and treasure our family time so with that said have a wonderful Thanksgiving Break.